

This is automated software testing and verification tool intended for use by computer science courses. You'll need to purchase a subscription in order to be able to access course assignments. Each course subscription is $10 one time purchase per student. Students have to choose their own courses for subscription. For finding the correct course make sure to use the correct course code. For finding the course code in HyperGrade refer to your course syllabus or classroom notes.

There are several advantages and general considerations when using HyperGrade:

  1. You can submit your work and see immediate feedback by the automated system.
  2. You can submit your work as many times as you want (I usually don't put a limit on number of submissions). This way you can see the result and make adjustments in your project.
  3. Make sure that your program compiles and runs before submitting to HyperGrade. HyperGrade is not a debugging tool. It is intended to be used only when you have a certain level of confidence that your program works.
  4. HyperGrade will attempt to compile and run your program and compare against the expected input/output specifications. You'll be able to see any discrepancies between the actual run and the expected run and make necessary adjustments. Sometimes the discrepancies are really minor, but they are important for making sure that your program 100% complies with the specifications project/problem description.
  5. I usually put three simple projects for testing purposes:

    Project 1.1 is a simple program that expects the output to be "Hello, World!\n"

    Project 1.2 is an interactive program that asks the user to input his/her name and displays "Good morning, <entered name>!\n"

    Project 1.3 is a program that performs input from a text file and displays the results of calculations. The submission doesn't need to include the input file itself.