CSIT 861 

Advanced Computer Programming

Instructor: Zare Agazaryan

Course Syllabus

CSIT 861, Advanced Computer programming, followed CSIT 840,  Object-Oriented Programming in C++, and also uses the C++ programming language and the principles of object-oriented programming. You will learn about using C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), the .NET Framework and MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and  to create sophisticated Windows and other applications. 


CSIT 840

Student Learning Outcome (SLO)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to create and implement a project which utilizes MFC Document/View architecture, including reading and writing data (serialization) to and from files.


None. The modules on the class's website (see Websites below) will be in lieu of a textbook.


We will use Microsoft Visual C++. Visual C++ Express Edition won't work for this class. You will need Visual Studio. Both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012 are installed in the CSIT labs. I recommend you install a free version of Visual C++ on your home computer so you can do your class work at home since lab time in the classroom and lab resources elsewhere in the college are limited. If you are eligible for Microsoft DreamSpark (as you probably are), you can obtain Visual Studio 2012 Professional edition (and other software) free.

Other Supplies I recommend that you purchase a USB flash drive to back up your class work. The USB flash drive also may come in handy for your other classes.
Tests This is a very advanced class, so the grade will be based entirely on your projects. There will be no tests.
Assignments There also will be computer programming assignments/projects which collectively will count 100%of the grade. The assignments and their due dates will be announced on the class' website. Please see the assignment submission instructions.
Websites My website has ETUDES Access Instructions for accessing your class' website on ETUDES (Easy To Use Distance Education Software).

My website also has a Class FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and an Online FAQ. Read them!

Classroom Accommodations

If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations, and have not contacted Services for Students with Disabilities ("SSD"), do so in a timely manner. SSD is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175 or call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680 to meet with a SSD counselor. If SSD has already sent the memo to instructor confirming accommodations required by student for this class, please meet with me to discuss arrangements.

Academic Dishonesty I will follow the official Policy on Academic Dishonesty at pages 179-180 of the LAVC 2014-2015 Catalog

The best way to contact me outside of class is by e-mail.  My college e-mail address is agazarz@lavc.edu. I'm an adjuct faculty at LAVC and I don't have an office or a phone number on campus. The best way to reach me is via email or a message on the course ETUDES website.